by Narcis | Tuesday, October 20, 2015 | events
After more than a year of hard work, we’re happy to make a big announcement: we are launching a limited series of pre-orders very soon. The product will be available on our website. You’ll be able to pre-order it with a substantial discount. Keep in mind that only 100...
by Narcis | Monday, October 12, 2015 | technology
Great product ideas are born every day. Literally. And most of them die in the same day. However, some of them survive to the second day. And then the third. They start growing in their creators’ minds until they finally take them over. And that’s when the fun starts...
by Narcis | Wednesday, October 7, 2015 | personal
Note: This article is in Romanian and English A trecut mai mult de un an de când lucrăm la Waldo. Deși am făcut public proiectul nostru în octombrie 2014, bazele acestuia au fost puse în iulie 2014. În acest timp, eforturile noastre au fost concentrate în jurul unui...