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Submit your app to these 40 verified websites

Submit your app to these 40 verified websites

Nowadays, building a mobile app is no big deal. It seems that everybody has access to the best developers and can build a killer app. The biggest problem is making people use your app. That means they have to know that your app exists. There are a lot of articles...
Cum a fost la Salonul Bicicletei/A review of Bike Expo

Cum a fost la Salonul Bicicletei/A review of Bike Expo

Note: This article is in Romanian and English. La fel ca toate lucrurile bune, și Salonul Bicicletei a luat sfârșit ieri. Au fost patru zile în care ne-am simțit foarte bine, am cunoscut persoane faine și am avut ocazia de a ne prezenta soluția. Ziua de joi a fost...
Bike Expo 2015 / Salonul Bicicletei 2015

Bike Expo 2015 / Salonul Bicicletei 2015

Note: This article is written in English and Romanian. Building a startup is hard. Building a hardware startup is even harder. There are a lot of factors to take into account, like finding the right components and making sure they work together, lead time for...
Bike Shop Detector

Bike Shop Detector

We’ve got some great news: we’re launching a mobile app that detects bike shops in your proximity. And it’s going to happen this week! I know what you’re thinking: what, how? Are you out of your mind or something? Weren’t you supposed to prevent my bike from being...
A trip to the center of the Earth

A trip to the center of the Earth

I had the chance to join a trip to the center of the Earth organized by TransAlpin Bike. The location was the  Salt Mine in Slănic Prahova and the track spanned for 3km through Unirea Mine and a part of the tunnels currently used for exploitation. I had signed up...

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