by Narcis | Monday, March 30, 2015 | technology
Nowadays, building a mobile app is no big deal. It seems that everybody has access to the best developers and can build a killer app. The biggest problem is making people use your app. That means they have to know that your app exists. There are a lot of articles...
by Narcis | Monday, March 23, 2015 | events
Note: This article is in Romanian and English. La fel ca toate lucrurile bune, și Salonul Bicicletei a luat sfârșit ieri. Au fost patru zile în care ne-am simțit foarte bine, am cunoscut persoane faine și am avut ocazia de a ne prezenta soluția. Ziua de joi a fost...
by Narcis | Monday, March 16, 2015 | events
Note: This article is written in English and Romanian. Building a startup is hard. Building a hardware startup is even harder. There are a lot of factors to take into account, like finding the right components and making sure they work together, lead time for...
by Narcis | Monday, March 9, 2015 | technology
We’ve got some great news: we’re launching a mobile app that detects bike shops in your proximity. And it’s going to happen this week! I know what you’re thinking: what, how? Are you out of your mind or something? Weren’t you supposed to prevent my bike from being...
by Radu Tutueanu | Monday, March 2, 2015 | personal
I had the chance to join a trip to the center of the Earth organized by TransAlpin Bike. The location was the Salt Mine in Slănic Prahova and the track spanned for 3km through Unirea Mine and a part of the tunnels currently used for exploitation. I had signed up...